Fast email delivery with MailerQ

by Edward Touw

At Copernica, we're working on improving the way we deliver emailings. In the last few weeks, our development team has been building a new mail transfer agent that Copernica will use to send out mailings soon: MailerQ.

What is MailerQ?

MailerQ is a high performance MTA designed for delivering large volume email messages at very high speeds. With MailerQ we are no longer limited by the speed of our MTA, but only by the speed at which the receiving end can process your messages. And best of all: it does so without compromising its stability or performance.

What’s an MTA?

The abbreviation MTA stands for Mail Transfer Agent. In a nutshell, an MTA is software a mailserver uses to send e-mails.

Why MailerQ?

We designed MailerQ to do one thing: deliver emailings. Fast. MailerQ will allow us to deliver emailings faster than ever before, and to do so while remaining in full control over the messages.

When will MailerQ be launched?

Currently we are still testing MailerQ. The exact launch date has still go to be determined, but we expect to start using the software soon. Stay tuned!

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