Follow-up actions: the key to success

by Michael Heering

Do not underestimate the power of repetition. Sending emailings is fun, sending follow-up actions is more effective. Repeating a message will increase your (brand)awareness. That is why you should consider automated follow-up actions when setting up your email campaign.

Follow-up actions linked to websites

  • Send an automated confirmation mail when someone registers for your newsletter via the website or by submitting a web form. Instant feedback in the form of a follow-up action ensures better awareness and increased engagement.
  • Allow the visitors to request information via your website by using web forms. Did someone request a brochure? Set up a follow-up action that sends this contact an email automatically a week later. Maintain your contacts and encourage them to visit your website again or to purchase another product from your webshop using follow-up actions.

Emailings and follow-up actions

  • Keep track of who opens your emails and what hyperlinks are clicked using email statistics. Send your next email campaign only to those recipients who actually open your emails. Adjust the content in the email based on their clicking behaviour.
  • Keep track of who does not open your emails. Look for possible errors and use follow-up actions to try and send these emails again. The email address might have been incorrect. Correct this manually, or refer the recipient to a web form on your website where he can make such corrections himself.
  • Hyperlinks in emailings can trigger follow-up actions. Add a hyperlink referring to a web page containing more product information. When someone clicks the hyperlink, an email is sent automatically. For example, to the sales department. This way they can see who is interested in a (specific) product and can follow up on the request for information.

Events and conferences

  • Organizing an event? Think about automatically sending your participants a roadmap a few days prior to the event. This will keep the participants involved in your event.
  • Did you get new leads during an event? Send them an emailing as a follow-up action the next day, including an interesting offer. Create the mailing beforehand. This way you only have to insert the leads into your database and send the emailing. By following up the day after, you have a better chance of getting a response from these new contacts.
  • Recipients will be more aware of your message or name (or brand) if you keep repeating. That is why you should not underestimate the power of repetition. Sending an emailing is fun, sending follow-up actions is more effectie. Did I mention this before?

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follow-up action
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