New in Copernica: Easily Load Data from Magento

by Chloƫ van der Woude

New in Copernica: Easily Load Data from Magento

Our development team has been working hard on the new integration module over the past few weeks. With this module, you can link external platforms and software to Copernica. This allows data to be exchanged between Copernica and the platform.

It is now possible to load data from a Magento webshop into your email templates in real-time.

In the coming months, we will add more external platforms and features to the integration module. In this product update, we explain the above changes.

Load data from Magento webshop into your email template in real-time

You can now link your Magento 2 webshop (in Dutch) to Copernica in the integration module. This allows you to use up-to-date information from your Magento webshop in your email templates, such as product information, customer details, order details, and items in a shopping cart. This data is retrieved in real-time when the emails are sent, ensuring that the information is always up-to-date.

More information about the different available Smarty variables and linking a Magento webshop can be found in this article (in Dutch).

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