New option for loadprofile and loadsubprofile: orderby


We have added a new option to the loadprofile and loadsubprofile functions: orderby

The orderby option allows you to select profiles or subprofiles in an ascending or descending order, based on the value in a specific database or collection field.

You do this by adding the option as a parameter to the loadprofile or loadsubprofile tag

{loadsubprofile orderby='<fieldname> asc / desc'}
  • Specify the field name whereon the ordering must take place
  • Then specify the order: 'asc' for ascending and 'desc' for descending.


You have a collection with a field called 'fruit' and some subprofiles. They respectively have the values Banana, Apple, Lemon, Watermelon, Nectarine in this field.

{loadsubprofile assign=loadedfruits multiple=true limit=2 order='fruit asc'}
  My favorite fruit is:
  {foreach $loadedfruits as $loadedfruit}

Result (asc):

My favorite fruit is: Apple, Banana

Resultaat (desc):

My favorite fruit is: Watermelon, Nectarine

If you ommit the orderby parameter, the system will automatically fallback on the default behaviour (ascending order on the field ID).

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