October 11th, Digital Marketing First - Brussels

by Michael Heering

Digital Marketing FirstOn Thursday October 11th, the seventh edition of Digital Marketing First will take place in Brussels. Copernica has become a well known exhibitor at this event and will attend this edition together with three international partners. For a first time, Copernica will be represented at an event by partners from the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

Are you coming to the event as well? Be sure to visit Copernica and our partners at stand D09 for a short demonstration of the software or to ask your questions on digital marketing, email marketing or much more. Our colleagues and partners will gladly answer any questions.

aYaline: Why the conversion of web shops is linked to technical performance?

During this presentation, our French partner aYaline will discuss several ways for web shop owners to increase the conversion from their web shop platform. Based on examples, tips and a business case, Sebastien Daunit will show you yow to improve your sales funnel, how to optimize the purchasing process and how to improve the follow-up of abandoned shop carts.

Present partners


BookerzBookerz specializes in emotion marketing. Bookerz supports you in communicating your message and provides a creative perspective. Both online and offline. You focus on your campaigns, while Bookerz focuses on your (future) clients. Based on concept and design, both online and offline, Bookerz offers you a convincing added value. Bookerz is glad to help you reach the success you are striving for. More information on Bookerz: www.bookerz.nl 

Xplore Group

Xplore GroupEver Since 1997 the XPLORE GROUP is committed to deliver high quality IT solutions using J2EE technology. We deliver our customers, high quality, reliable applications and integrations. 
Being a customer oriented partner, we help business implement solutions by delivering services in SOA and EAI projects, custom J2EE development, audit services, architectural studies, proof of concept implementations, employee training, and many more. More information about Xplore Group: www.xploregroup.be


aYalineAs an experienced provider of E-Commerce and an open source pioneer, aYaline builds high added-value business solutions devoted to E-Commerce which are designed with its clients according to their needs. aYaline has gained real expertise of consumer computing by capitalizing on business cases and know-how since 1995. More information about aYaline: www.ayaline.com

About Digital Marketing First

Digital Marketing First, formerly known as Customer First, is an initiative of the magazine Inside Digital Media. In six years time, DMF has become the biggest meeting of the marketing industry and new media in Belgium. Every year, in October, more than 3.300 visitors find their way to Tour&Taxis. DMF is exclusively intended for professionals.

DMF presents the whole digital offer in Belgium, but also pays attention to the traditional marketing techniques. More than 60 conferences, debates and workshops are offered to the visitors. DMF can count on the support of several industry associations, such as IAB, BDMV, Feweb, ACC, BeCommerce,…

More information on the event can be found on the website: www.digitalmarketingfirst.be


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Digital Marketing First
digital marketing
email marketing
web shops
Xplore Group
Copernica Marketing Software