Outage due to power failure

by Feike Wierda Michael Heering

Last night at 23:45 (CET) Copernica suffered from a power interruption on one of our server cabinets. Due to a technical error made by Leaseweb (our datacenter partner), we lost power to roughly a hundred of our servers this night. As a result, tasks crashed and Copernica could not complete tasks at all.

Our technical team has been working through the night to get our servers back up and running. As of 8:00 AM this morning, all databases that crashed as a result of this outage have been restored. The application and our website are back online.

However, we expect performance to suffer as a result of this power outage throughout the entire day. Tasks in Copernica, such as building selections and mailings that were scheduled to be sent after 23:45 last night, will be processed once the taskserver catches up, mailings that were in the process of being sent will be resumed as soon as possible.

If scheduled mailings need to be cancelled, please contact support at support@copernica.com.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Follow our live blog for updates.

Update, November 1: All issues caused by the power outage at Leaseweb have been solved.

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