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SOAP API method EmailingDocumentImageBlock_option


If the the parameter is an integer, the option with that id is returned. If the options is one of the other allowed types, then the condition for each option is evaluated and the first one that matches is returned.


Name Type Description
id * string Unique identifier (id) of the object EmailingDocumentImageBlock. The method only applies to the emailingdocumentimageblock with this id.
x integer
subprofile Structure of type 'subprofile'
profile Structure of type 'profile'
emailingdestination Structure of type 'emailingdestination'
smsmailingdestination Structure of type 'smsmailingdestination'
faxmailingdestination Structure of type 'faxmailingdestination'
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
webdocumentimageblockoption Structure of type 'webdocumentimageblockoption'
emailingdocumentimageblockoption Structure of type 'emailingdocumentimageblockoption'

Structure 'subprofile'

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the subprofile.
code string The code of the subprofile.
created timestamp The timestamp when the subprofile was created.
modified timestamp The timestamp when the subprofile was last modified.
lastexport timestamp The last timestamp when the subprofile was exported.
fields Map Map of all fields of the subprofile, this property is only returned when the parameter 'allproperties' is set to true

Structure 'profile'

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the profile.
code string The code of the profile.
extra string The extra data of the profile.
created timestamp The timestamp when the profile was created.
modified timestamp The timestamp when the profile was last modified.
lastexport timestamp The last timestamp when the profile was exported.
fields Map Map of all fields of the profile, this property is only returned when the parameter 'allproperties' is set to true
interests Map Map of all interests of the profile, this property is only returned when the parameter 'allproperties' is set to true

Structure 'emailingdestination'

Name Type Description
emailclient string Get the last registered email client for this destination
id string The ID of the destination.
timestamp timestamp The timestamp of the sent mailing.
result string The result for this destination.

Structure 'smsmailingdestination'

Name Type Description
id string The ID of the destination.
timestamp timestamp The timestamp of the sent mailing.
result string The result for this destination.

Structure 'faxmailingdestination'

Name Type Description
id string The ID of the destination.
timestamp timestamp The timestamp of the sent mailing.
result string The result for this destination.

Structure 'login'

Name Type Description
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structure 'webdocumentimageblockoption'

Name Type Description
url string The url of the imageblock.
style_class string The style class for styling the imageblock
target string The target for the link. This is only used when the image is also
title string The title of the image in the block
alternative string The alternative when the image can't be displayed
id int The ID of the image.
name string The filename of the image.
extension string The extension of this image.
width int The width of the image.
height int The height of the image.
size int The size of the image.
hashcode string Expose the data hashcode
data binary The data of the image. The data is base64 encoded.
mimetype string The mime type of the image.
thumbwidth int The width of the thumbnail of the image.
thumbheight int The height of the thumbnail of the image.
thumbdata binary The data of the thumbnail of the image. The data is base64 encoded.

Structure 'emailingdocumentimageblockoption'

Name Type Description
url string The url of the imageblock.
style_class string The style class for styling the imageblock
target string The target for the link. This is only used when the image is also
title string The title of the image in the block
alternative string The alternative when the image can't be displayed
id int The ID of the image.
name string The filename of the image.
extension string The extension of this image.
width int The width of the image.
height int The height of the image.
size int The size of the image.
hashcode string Expose the data hashcode
data binary The data of the image. The data is base64 encoded.
mimetype string The mime type of the image.
thumbwidth int The width of the thumbnail of the image.
thumbheight int The height of the thumbnail of the image.
thumbdata binary The data of the thumbnail of the image. The data is base64 encoded.