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SOAP API method ProcessedSmsMailing_destinations


With the result parameter it is possible to filter the destinations by result. Example: if the parameter result is set to 'error', only the destinations that have result 'error' are returned. Each destination has at most one main result, so the sum of the number of destination for each possible result equals the total number of destinations.


Name Type Description
id * int Unique identifier (id) of the object ProcessedSmsMailing. The method only applies to the processedsmsmailing with this id.
result string The required result for the destination, possible values are 'error', 'success' or 'none'. Specify false if the result does not matter. There IS a difference between 'none' and false: 'none' returns all destinations with an unknown result, false returns all destinations, no matter the result. Specific mailings may also define additional results
mergecurrent boolean Should the destinations be merged with current profiles or subprofiles? If the merge is performed, this method only returns destination objects for (sub)profiles that still exist
order string The order for the destinations. Possible value are 'timestamp' and 'id'. You can also specify all possible fields from the fields of the (sub)profiles
asc boolean Order in ascending or descending order?
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
start int Optional parameter that specifies the first element in the collection to be returned. If this parameter is omitted, the first entry in the collection is also the first entry that is returned. Use this parameter is you only want to retrieve a part of the collection.
length int Optional parameter that can be used to limit the number of returned elements of this method. If this parameter is omitted, all entries in the collection are returned. If you specify a length, this method will not return more than the specified number of entries.
allproperties boolean Optional parameter that specifies if only a limited number of properties of the requested objects are returned or, when this parameter is set to true, whether all properties of the objects are returned.
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
start int The first element of the collection
length int The number of elements that are returned
total int The total available elements of the collection
allproperties int When this element is available in the return value, the objects in the collection are fully filled, otherwise only a limited number of fields from the objects are filled
emailingdestination Collection of type 'emailingdestination'
smsmailingdestination Collection of type 'smsmailingdestination'
faxmailingdestination Collection of type 'faxmailingdestination'

Structure 'login'

Name Type Description
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structure 'emailingdestination'

Name Type Description
id string The ID of the destination.

Structure 'smsmailingdestination'

Name Type Description
id string The ID of the destination.

Structure 'faxmailingdestination'

Name Type Description
id string The ID of the destination.