Copernica User Agreement
Rules apply to everyone using Copernica BV’s platform. These rules have been composed to prevent abuse of our platform, to satisfy legal and contractual obligations and to guarantee the stability and availability of the platform for all users.
Platforms concerned
This user agreement covers all online products, services and websites owned by Copernica BV. This includes the following websites and applications:
- Copernica Marketing Suite
- Copernica Publisher
- SMTPeter
- MailerQ
This agreement is not applicable to the use of software from Copernica BV installed on your personal computer, device or server, unless this agreement has been explicitly declared to be applicable to that software.
Relation to other contracts
When using one or multiple of Copernica’s online applications you are only allowed to enter data if the party with ownership of the data has a contractual agreement with Copernica BV to process the data or a contract with similar content.
If there is no such agreement you are only allowed to use the system owned by Copernica BV to store information you own the rights to. Third-party data cannot be entered without contractual agreement.
Every user is obligated to be informed about Copernica BV’s privacy policy.
Personal credentials
Your personal credentials and password are intended for personal use only. You are obligated to use your legal name. Names cannot be pseudonyms, nicknames or roles such as “administrator” or “admin”. You are not permitted to share your login information or passwords with others.
Access to accounts
Your credentials provide you access to accounts. These accounts can be linked to your own company or employer, but you can also be invited to work in accounts owned by other companies. Access to other accounts requires a legal ground. It is not allowed to access accounts that store data you do not have access to on a legal or contractual basis.
Fair Use policy
Only reasonable use of the software is permitted. It is not allowed to burden the system disproportionately. Additionally, it is not allowed to make a platform public, to reproduce a platform or to replicate a platform.
Legal obligations
You are required to comply to all legal obligations. This includes, but is not limited to, any legislation pertaining to privacy, intellectual property, databases, telecommunication or email.
If you are judged by Copernica BV to be in violation of the terms in this agreement, Copernica BV reserves the right to enforce sanctions to cease the abuse, including:
- Revoking the right to login.
- Deleting the user profile.
- Revoking access to one or multiple accounts.
- Closing or deleting accounts you have access to.
- Partially or fully removing data entered by you.
- Scheduled events like mailings or campaigns can be cancelled.
This list is non-exhaustive. If more relevant or extensive measures need to be taken Copernica BV reserves the right to apply these measures.
General terms of service
The general terms of service of Copernica apply to this agreement. When you accept the terms of this agreement, you also confirm that you have read these general terms.
This document is available in multiple languages. In case of any translation errors or other differences between versions the Dutch version is leading.
Modifications to this agreement
We can change this agreement in the future. When we do, we will inform you about the modification and when the new version will be applied.