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SOAP API methode MiniRule_createMiniCondition


Create a new minicondition for this minirule. There are some different types of a minicondition: 'Date','Field','Change','Email', 'Sms', 'Fax', 'Part', 'DoubleField', 'Survey', 'Refer', 'Logs'


Naam Type Beschrijving
id * int Unique identifier (id) of the object MiniRule. The method only applies to the minirule with this id.
type * string
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
* verplichte parameters


Naam Type Beschrijving
changeminicondition Structure of type 'changeminicondition'
surveyminicondition Structure of type 'surveyminicondition'
exportminicondition Structure of type 'exportminicondition'
doublefieldminicondition Structure of type 'doublefieldminicondition'
smsminicondition Structure of type 'smsminicondition'
emailminicondition Structure of type 'emailminicondition'
faxminicondition Structure of type 'faxminicondition'
fieldminicondition Structure of type 'fieldminicondition'
referminicondition Structure of type 'referminicondition'
dateminicondition Structure of type 'dateminicondition'
partminicondition Structure of type 'partminicondition'

Structuur 'login'

Naam Type Beschrijving
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structuur 'changeminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
changetype string The changetype of the changecondition.
aftertime timestamp The aftertime of the changeminicondition.
aftermutation DateMutation The aftermutation of the changeminicondition.
beforetime timestamp The beforetime of the changeminicondition.
beforemutation DateMutation The before mutation of the changeminicondition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'surveyminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
submitter string The required submitter of the survey.
surveyname string The name of the survey that must have been filled in.
aftertime string The 'after' time of the condition.
aftermutation DateMutation The variable time AFTER which the survey must be submitted.
beforetime string The 'before' time of the condition.
beforemutation DateMutation The variable time BEFORE which the survey must be submitted.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'exportminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
includeneverexportedsubprofiles boolean When this is true the condition also includes the profiles that weren't exported before.
aftertime timestamp The aftertime of the exportcondition.
aftermutation DateMutation The aftermutation of the exportcondition.
beforetime timestamp The beforetime of the exportcondition.
beforemutation DateMutation The before mutation of the exportcondition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'doublefieldminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
matchmode string The matchmode of the doublefieldminicondition.
context string The context for the condition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'smsminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
matchmode string The matchmode of the mailingminicondition.
requireddestination string The required destination of the condition.
documentname string The name of the document of the condition.
aftertime timestamp The 'after' time of the mini condition.
aftermutation DateMutation Change the variable time before which the mailing should have been sent.
beforetime timestamp The 'before' time of the condition.
beforemutation DateMutation The variable time before which the mailing should have been sent.
number int The required number of messages that are received.
operator string The operator to compare the number of messages with the number of received messages by the profile/subprofile.
templatename string The name of the template of the minicondition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'emailminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
requiredresult string The emailings certain result.
clickedurl string The URL that must be clicked.
requirederrors Array These errors trigger the condition, used in comination of the 'error' result.
matchmode string The matchmode of the mailingminicondition.
requireddestination string The required destination of the condition.
documentname string The name of the document of the condition.
aftertime timestamp The 'after' time of the mini condition.
aftermutation DateMutation Change the variable time before which the mailing should have been sent.
beforetime timestamp The 'before' time of the condition.
beforemutation DateMutation The variable time before which the mailing should have been sent.
number int The required number of messages that are received.
operator string The operator to compare the number of messages with the number of received messages by the profile/subprofile.
templatename string The name of the template of the minicondition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'faxminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
matchmode string The matchmode of the mailingminicondition.
requireddestination string The required destination of the condition.
documentname string The name of the document of the condition.
aftertime timestamp The 'after' time of the mini condition.
aftermutation DateMutation Change the variable time before which the mailing should have been sent.
beforetime timestamp The 'before' time of the condition.
beforemutation DateMutation The variable time before which the mailing should have been sent.
number int The required number of messages that are received.
operator string The operator to compare the number of messages with the number of received messages by the profile/subprofile.
templatename string The name of the template of the minicondition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'fieldminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
comparison string The comparison type, valid values are: 'equals', 'not equals', 'contains',
value string The value t
numericComparison boolean Is the comparison done numeric or not
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'referminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
checktype string Should a subprofile be present in the other miniview or not.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'dateminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
aftertime timestamp The 'after' time of the date minicondition.
aftermutation DateMutation Change the variable time before which the chosen field must be.
beforetime timestamp The 'before' time of the date minicondition.
beforemutation DateMutation The variable time before which the chosen field must be.
comparemode string The compare mode of the dateminicondition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?

Structuur 'partminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
begin string The first selected subprofile from the collection, ordered by the fields
length string The number of selected subprofiles. This value can be a number or a percentage.
context string The context for the condition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?