SOAP API methode ProcessedEmailing_scheduledMailing
If this mailing was created as a result of a scheduled mailing, this method returns the scheduled mailing object that it was created from
Naam | Type | Beschrijving |
id * | int | Unique identifier (id) of the object ProcessedEmailing. The method only applies to the processedemailing with this id. |
login | Structure of type 'login' | Optional login data (soon deprecated) |
access_token | string | Optional api access token |
* verplichte parameters |
Naam | Type | Beschrijving |
scheduledfaxmailing | Structure of type 'scheduledfaxmailing' | |
scheduledsmsmailing | Structure of type 'scheduledsmsmailing' | |
scheduledemailing | Structure of type 'scheduledemailing' |
Structuur 'login'
Naam | Type | Beschrijving |
username | string | The username of the login attempt |
account | string | The account name of the login attempt |
password | string | The password for the login attempt |
Structuur 'scheduledfaxmailing'
Naam | Type | Beschrijving |
registerstatus | boolean | Will the status be registered?. |
description | string | The description of the scheduled mailing |
test | boolean | Was this a test mailing?. |
personalized | boolean | Was this mailing personalized?. |
nodoubles | boolean | Was the target contains doubles?. |
messagesperminute | int | The max number of messages that are sent withing one minute |
priority | int | Priority of the mailing. Higher value indicated higher priority. |
nextstarttime | timestamp | The next time when this scheduled event will run. |
schedulediterations | int | The number of iterations that are still remaining. |
processediterations | int | The number of iterations that were already processed. |
previousstarttime | string | The starttime of the most recent iteration. |
prevstarttime | timestamp | The starttime of the most recent iteration. |
processmissediterations | boolean | Will the missed iterations be processed anyway?. |
id | int | The ID of the scheduledevent. |
Structuur 'scheduledsmsmailing'
Naam | Type | Beschrijving |
registerstatus | boolean | Will the status be registered?. |
description | string | The description of the scheduled mailing |
test | boolean | Was this a test mailing?. |
personalized | boolean | Was this mailing personalized?. |
nodoubles | boolean | Was the target contains doubles?. |
messagesperminute | int | The max number of messages that are sent withing one minute |
priority | int | Priority of the mailing. Higher value indicated higher priority. |
nextstarttime | timestamp | The next time when this scheduled event will run. |
schedulediterations | int | The number of iterations that are still remaining. |
processediterations | int | The number of iterations that were already processed. |
previousstarttime | string | The starttime of the most recent iteration. |
prevstarttime | timestamp | The starttime of the most recent iteration. |
processmissediterations | boolean | Will the missed iterations be processed anyway?. |
id | int | The ID of the scheduledevent. |
Structuur 'scheduledemailing'
Naam | Type | Beschrijving |
embedded | boolean | Are the external images cached? |
contenttype | string | The contenttype of the mailing. |
registerclicks | string | Will the clicks be registered?. |
registerimpressions | boolean | Will the impressions be registered?. |
registererrors | boolean | Will the errors be registered?. |
registerabuses | boolean | Will the abuses be registered?. |
condition | string | Get the condition |
emailingtype | string | Get the emailing type |
schedule | string | iCalender schedule string that controls when the event runs. If this property is set, the interval and iterations settings can be ignored. |
description | string | The description of the scheduled mailing |
test | boolean | Was this a test mailing?. |
personalized | boolean | Was this mailing personalized?. |
nodoubles | boolean | Was the target contains doubles?. |
messagesperminute | int | The max number of messages that are sent withing one minute |
priority | int | Priority of the mailing. Higher value indicated higher priority. |
nextstarttime | timestamp | The next time when this scheduled event will run. |
schedulediterations | int | The number of iterations that are still remaining. |
processediterations | int | The number of iterations that were already processed. |
previousstarttime | string | The starttime of the most recent iteration. |
prevstarttime | timestamp | The starttime of the most recent iteration. |
processmissediterations | boolean | Will the missed iterations be processed anyway?. |
id | int | The ID of the scheduledevent. |