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SOAP API methode ProcessedFaxMailing_settings


Get the settings object that is filled in with all the settings of this mailing. The settings object returned is not necesarily the same as the settings object that was used to create the mailing. Properties like interval are not included, because they are not used by processed mailings.


Naam Type Beschrijving
id * int Unique identifier (id) of the object ProcessedFaxMailing. The method only applies to the processedfaxmailing with this id.
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
* verplichte parameters


Naam Type Beschrijving
emailingsettings Structure of type 'emailingsettings'
smsmailingsettings Structure of type 'smsmailingsettings'
faxmailingsettings Structure of type 'faxmailingsettings'

Structuur 'login'

Naam Type Beschrijving
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structuur 'emailingsettings'

Naam Type Beschrijving
contenttype string The contenttype of the emailingsettings.
embeddedimages boolean Should the images be embedded?.
messagesperminute int Update the max number of messages per minute
cacheexternalimages boolean Should the external images be cached?
registerimpressions boolean Should the impressions be registered?.
registerclicks string Should the clicks be registered?.
registererrors boolean Should the errors be registered?.
registerabuses boolean Should the abuses be registered?.
starttime timestamp The starttime of the mailing.
dateinterval DateInterval The interval for the mailing.
iterations int The iterations of the settings.
description string The description of the mailing.
processedmissediterations boolean The processed missed iterations.
personalized boolean Should the mailing be personalized?.
test boolean Is this a test mailing?.
nodoubles boolean Should the double addresses be skipped?.
isscheduled boolean Is the mailing a scheduled mailing?
extradocumentproperties Map Get the extra document properties of this mailing. This doen't contain the
priority int The priority settings of the mailing.

Structuur 'smsmailingsettings'

Naam Type Beschrijving
registerstatus boolean The errors are being registered
type string The type of sms message
starttime timestamp The starttime of the mailing.
dateinterval DateInterval The interval for the mailing.
iterations int The iterations of the settings.
description string The description of the mailing.
processedmissediterations boolean The processed missed iterations.
personalized boolean Should the mailing be personalized?.
test boolean Is this a test mailing?.
nodoubles boolean Should the double addresses be skipped?.
messagesperminute int The max number of messages that are sent withing one minute
isscheduled boolean Is the mailing a scheduled mailing?
extradocumentproperties Map Get the extra document properties of this mailing. This doen't contain the
priority int The priority settings of the mailing.

Structuur 'faxmailingsettings'

Naam Type Beschrijving
registerstatus boolean Get if the status should be registered for the mailing?
starttime timestamp The starttime of the mailing.
dateinterval DateInterval The interval for the mailing.
iterations int The iterations of the settings.
description string The description of the mailing.
processedmissediterations boolean The processed missed iterations.
personalized boolean Should the mailing be personalized?.
test boolean Is this a test mailing?.
nodoubles boolean Should the double addresses be skipped?.
messagesperminute int The max number of messages that are sent withing one minute
isscheduled boolean Is the mailing a scheduled mailing?
extradocumentproperties Map Get the extra document properties of this mailing. This doen't contain the
priority int The priority settings of the mailing.