Copernica preferred supplier of webshops

by Jenny Peters

Copernica Marketing Software has been selected business partner of They are the community of interest in the Netherlands for webshop owners and their customers. Seeing their hallmark on a webshop gives Dutch consumers an absolute guarantee that the shop can be trusted.

Having been selected business partner makes Copernica one of the preferred suppliers of e-mail marketing solutions for Dutch Webshops. Copernica Marketing Software can be used to setup automated and personalised e-mail campaigns and linking them to a contact database.

Drs. Wijnand Jongen, chairman of says: “We're pleased to have such an experienced supplier for e-mail marketing. Copernica has proven itself an alert and versatile software developer over the years, which can fulfill the needs of our members.”

Synchronising data between a webshop and Copernica Marketing Software offers great opportunities to target e-mails at specific contacts. For example you could include someone's history of purchases in an e-mail and make relevant offers based on their earlier purchases (cross-/up-selling). Or you can automatically send out an e-mail every week to contacts with abandoned shop carts. Your contacts will only ever receive information relevant to them, which makes them return to your webshop effectively.

“Our software is a great addition for webshops," says managing partner Michael Linthorst, “These past years we've explored the (marketing technical) needs of webshops and adapted our software to them. Through a SOAP API link any webshop can now synchronise data with Copernica and we've developed a special easy uplink to integrate Copernica with Magento webshops, which is downloadable for free.”

Copernica's dedication to the webshop branche is evident also from some of the customers who've signed up recently, which include Tjingo,, and Aside from e-mail the Copernica software also offers possibilities for mobile text messaging, web forms integrated into your own website, content feeds and personalised PDF files.

For more information on, check their website.

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