Introducing the new Copernica Marketing Suite (Beta)

by Richard Hordijk

The Copernica Research- & Development-team is currently working on a completely new interface, the 'Copernica Marketing Suite'. The first (beta!) version of this new interface is now live and can be accessed through

There currently are three modules available int he Marketing Suite: a drag-and-drop editor in which you can create newsletters, a statistics module that shows the results of sent mailings and, for users with a Magento web shop integration, a Magento module. Not all buttons and links are working as they should just yet, however the first version is now available for use.

The Template Editor

The drag-and-drop editor was previously available through a link the regular ("old" ) Copernica software. The new Marketing Suite also has a drag-and-drop template editor. This editor is not exactly the same editor and offers a few new features compared to the editor that was introduced a few months ago. It is now possible to view and edit the source code of the template and we also improved the drag-and-drop functionality. We also had to cut a few features, however we will be reintroducing improved versions of these features soon.

The source code of email templates can now be edited. Every email built in the Template Editor is saved in JSON format. JSON is a file format that is very easy in use for (web) developers. This JSON code can now be viewed and adjusted. For more information on all the possibilities that JSON offers and for an overview of all the email settings that can be adjusted in the JSON format, you can take a look at the website. This is a website developed by Copernica on which we explain what JSON is and what you can do with it.

Templates with broken JSON are lost and cannot be loaded again.

If you miss any features please let us know and send an email to


This is where all statistics of Magento sync and template editor mailings are shown. Currently this is filled with example data. All statistics of emails sent with the template editor are saved, but not yet displayed.

Do note that whilst we do measure all statistics of sent emails, they do not show in the interface yet. In the coming weeks we will connect the back end to the front end.

Magento Sync

If you connect your Webshop to the beta version of Copernica's new Magento integration, all the data of your Magento customers, orders and quotas will be shown here. This data can then be used to send email messages.

This application is under heavy development and is currently not fully functional. It is not recommended to use the Magento Sync just yet. We will notify you when the application is ready for commercial use.

Go to the new Marketing Suite

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