Personalization functions: Unsubscribe

It is required by law to add an unsubscribe link that works and is visible to every commercial mail. Copernica offers different options for adding such an unsubscribe link, of which the {unsubscribe} is the easiest.

Note: When using this function you should have set the unsubscribe behaviour already.

Use the following code to add the unsubscribe link to the HTML source code of the template or text block in the document.

<a  href="" data-script="profile.unsubscribe();">Unsubscribe</a>


<a href="{$}/{$profile.code}/">
    Do not send me emails anymore

Extra options

After unsubscribing the profile is sent to a default unsubscribe page. However, it is also possible to redirect the user to one of your own pages.

{unsubscribe redirect=''}

More information