REST API v4 conditions: Email

Conditions are smaller parts of rules. Only one condition has to be satisfied to satisfy a rule. Every condition has a few specific properties.

This article is about the email condition. If you're looking for any other condition you can find them in the More information section.

Individual properties

The email condition has the following parameters:

  • required-result: The certain result of an email. See the required result table.
  • clicked-url: The url that must be clicked (only for required-result set to "clickonurl").
  • required-errors: Error code to use with "error" for required-result. Possible values: Error code, "mailmessage", "unreachable", "nocontent", "nohost", "nodata", "privateiprange", "other", "temp" for a temporary error and "final" for an unresolvable error.

Mailing properties

The mailing properties are properties related to a mass mailing sent by mail or SMS. The following properties can be used for this condition:

  • match-mode: Matchmode of the mailing condition. Possible values: "match_profiles_that_received_something", "match_profiles_that_received_document", "match_profiles_that_received_nothing", "match_profiles_that_received_not_document"
  • required-destination: The destination of the mailing. Possible values: "profile", "subprofile", anything"
  • document: Name of the document used for matchmode (only if set to "match_profiles_that_received_document", "match_profiles_that_received_not_document")
  • template: The name of the template of the condition.
  • number: The required number of messages that are received by the recipient.
  • operator: The operator to compare the number of messages with the number of received messages by the profile/subprofile. Possible values: = (equal), != (not equal), <> (between), < (less than), > (greater than).

Required results

The following table contains the possible values for the required result of an email and their descriptions.

Required result Description
nocheck Only check if doc was sent.
view Pageview must be registered.
viewnoclick Pageview must be registered, but not click.
anyclick Click on URL must be registered.
clickonurl Click on specific URL must be registered.
noclick No click must be registered.
error Error message must be received.
noerror No error message must be received.
abuse Abuse must be registered.
noabuse No abuse must be registered.
nothing No result is registered.
anything Any result is registered.

Date properties

The date properties can be used to limit the selection to a specified time period. All of the variables below are required to be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

  • before-time: Matches only profiles that received the document before this time
  • after-time: Matches only profiles that received the document after this time
  • before-mutation: The beforemutation (time difference) for mails sent too early.
  • after-mutation: The aftermutation (time difference) for mails sent too late.

JSON example

The following JSON demonstrates how to use the API method:

    "type": "Email",
    "required-result": "clickonurl",
    "required-url": "",
    "match-mode": "match_profiles_that_received_something"

PHP example

With the properties above you can make selections in very advanced manners. Let's say you want to make a separate selection for people who want to receive your emails. An email might or might not be delivered, which is something you want to keep track of. You can do this by using the required-result with the values "error" or "noerror".

You can also make selections for people who click a specific URL. If the URL links to a product it would be start to send more information about the product later to convince people to buy it. This increases your chances of your customers buying your projects. The following condition determines whether a specific link was clicked.

// required code

// make a new api object with your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);

$data = array(
    // select email condition
    'type' => 'Email',

    // select desired properties
    'required-result' => 'clickonurl',

    // select (in this case) the needed URL
    'required-url' => '',

    // use matchmode
    'match-mode' => 'match_profiles_that_received_something'

// do the call
$result = $api->post("rule/id/conditions", $data);

// print the result

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.

More information