Opt-in and double opt-in: do you ask for permission?

by Jeffrey Bertoen

Getting started with email marketing or mobile marketing? Then be sure to use an opt-in. It is important for your relation to grant 'unequivocal' permission for further processing their personal data. The relation clearly indicates that the personal data can be processed and used for a specific reason. For example, for sending a newsletter.

Granting permission to send emails or text messages is done by submitting the email address or mobile phone number on a website. Or by sending a 'subscribe'-mail to a specific subscription-address.

Double opt-in

Use a double opt-in system to confirm the permission of the relation. This can prevent spam complaints. Double opt-in or confirmed opt-in means the permission granted by the relation is verified. The verification consists of sending an email to the given email address asking the recipient for confirmation of his subscription. The relation can then verify by replying by email or by clicking on a confirmation hyperlink.

Soft opt-in

You do not need to ask for permission when existing clients are contacted concerning similar products or services. This concerns a soft opt-in. Soft opt-in can be used when email marketing is used:

  • Within a proper group of companies
  • Towards an existing customer relation
  • When selling an own product or service
  • When the provided information falls within the expectations of the recipient

When the provided information falls within the expectations of the recipient We recommend always using an opt-out. The customer has to be able to unsubscribe at all times.

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double opt-in
email marketing
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soft opt-in